"Thank you for coming to my talk!"
As webinars, colloquiums, and talks are recorded and made available to the public, I will do my best to share them here - all in one place.
Not all talks have been recorded (thank goodness), so this is by no means an exhaustive library.
Should you have not been able to attend a talk or webinar, but want to access a recording and do not see it here, please let me know.
If any of these spark a question, comment, or something in between, please do reach out to me.
The role of emotional labour in humane interspecies work
In this presentation for Animals & Society's colloquium series, Tiamat Warda offers an introduction to emotional labour as a central labour process done by guide dogs and the humans who educate them. Aligning with the existing concept of humane work, Tiamat will unpack what factors can impact how humane an emotional labour practice is for a worker of either species. While referring to a specific case study, this presentation's conclusions have implications for interpersonal animal work more broadly.

Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors (APBC)

International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ)
RASE Anthrozoology Conference
Here is a talk I gave at the start of my second year as a PhD student at the RASE Anthrozoology conference in 2021.
Three-Minute-Thesis (TMT)
A fun "throwback" to the start of my PhD, this video was part of a challenge on behalf of the University of Exeter for students to summarise their thesis in three minutes.