“When there are dogs and music, people have a good time.” – Emmylou Harris Yes, ma’am! There is nothing better than listening to your favourite tune in an otherwise quiet forest with your dog. It can be difficult to get out of our heads and just simply enjoy the walk. I notice it in myself quite a bit. There are …
When is a dog walk long enough?
Everyone has so much to do these days and social media is stealing the spare moments we do have. How much of our time should be invested into our dogs? Should we own a dog if we don’t have the time to give them a happy life? We will never be able to give a dog the freedom and easy …
5 Situations with your dog that you need to be prepared for
If you are prepared, you’ve won half of the battle. There are situations we encounter as dog owners, that may not happen often, but aren’t that great when they do. Some of us may never even think of preparing for them. Perhaps we are new dog owners, not knowing about them, or maybe we think our dog is so calm …
Leather Dog Tags
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way…” Dog tags! I absolutely despise them. Must they be so loud? I bet our dogs can’t stand it, either! Can you imagine jingling every time you move your head? For ages, I have been looking for a solution. On one hand, I want someone to have a way of contacting me if …
Communicating instead of conditioning
“In order to really enjoy a dog, one merely doesn’t try to train him to be semihuman. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of being partly a dog.” – Edward Hoagland Living harmoniously with a dog shouldn’t be as difficult as so many are making it for themselves. In the dog scene, people are constantly …
My #1 tip for puppytraining
All puppy owners… let’s hear it one time for dog boxes! *AMEN* Now, as with most things, there is a correct and incorrect way to use a box. Listen. I live in a small house with four dogs. Not just dogs, young dogs. That means that I have a few puppies running around here and right when they reach puberty …
My top 3 uses for Coconut oil
Coconut oil can be found in every corner of my house. From the bathroom to the kitchen to the bedroom where I use it as lotion. It’s everywhere. Not only is coconut healthy for us, but our dogs benefit from it as well. Coconut oil seems to be the answer for everything. I reach for it whenever something needs to be …
Big announcement!
A dream of mine which has been months in the making has finally become a reality. When I saw a beaded Kenyan dog collar for the first time I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. By that I mean I couldn’t. The dog wearing this amazing collar walked into the room, immediately drawing my attention to the colourful beads. It …
Big announcement!
A dream of mine which has been months in the making has finally become a reality. When I saw a beaded Kenyan dog collar for the first time I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. By that I mean I couldn’t. The dog wearing this amazing collar walked into the room, immediately drawing my attention to the colourful beads. It …
4 Ways To Improve Fetch
“Go fetch!” “Drop it!… droooop it!!” Snore! The best way to create a neurotic dog with zero impulse control? Play fetch. No thinking involved. So many dog owners see it as a game. They say their dogs are having fun… are they? It never looks like it. Sure, they are running. Sure, they are constantly bringing back the ball for …