Where are your eyes?

Body language is universal – amongst all ethnicities, all species, each individual! Our eyes play a huge role in that. We could make the same body movements but with different expressions in our eyes, and we would be saying entirely different things. So blocking our eyes, the doors to our soul, when we talk to someone is just as bad …

Where are your eyes?

Body language is universal – amongst all ethnicities, all species, each individual! Our eyes play a huge role in that. We could make the same body movements but with different expressions in our eyes, and we would be saying entirely different things. So blocking our eyes, the doors to our soul, when we talk to someone is just as bad …

Where are your eyes?

Body language is universal – amongst all ethnicities, all species, each individual! Our eyes play a huge role in that. We could make the same body movements but with different expressions in our eyes, and we would be saying entirely different things. So blocking our eyes, the doors to our soul, when we talk to someone is just as bad …

Is it normal?

Lately I’ve had a lot of followers of this blog, as well as friends, ask me for help with their animal friends. Often, when someone asks me for help, they either state that some neurotic behavior their animal is displaying is “normal” or they ask, “… is this normal?” My answer is always a shake of the head. If you …

Is it normal?

Lately I’ve had a lot of followers of this blog, as well as friends, ask me for help with their animal friends. Often, when someone asks me for help, they either state that some neurotic behavior their animal is displaying is “normal” or they ask, “… is this normal?” My answer is always a shake of the head. If you …

Is it normal?

Lately I’ve had a lot of followers of this blog, as well as friends, ask me for help with their animal friends. Often, when someone asks me for help, they either state that some neurotic behavior their animal is displaying is “normal” or they ask, “… is this normal?” My answer is always a shake of the head. If you …

Know Your Capabilities

“You say ‘Oh he might spook, he might buck, he might fall down, he might rear.’ So look at what he’s working with! He knows you can’t handle it and that don’t make him wrong to know that you can’t handle it. He might do any of those things because something might scare him or he might slip and fall …

Know Your Capabilities

“You say ‘Oh he might spook, he might buck, he might fall down, he might rear.’ So look at what he’s working with! He knows you can’t handle it and that don’t make him wrong to know that you can’t handle it. He might do any of those things because something might scare him or he might slip and fall …

Know Your Capabilities

“You say ‘Oh he might spook, he might buck, he might fall down, he might rear.’ So look at what he’s working with! He knows you can’t handle it and that don’t make him wrong to know that you can’t handle it. He might do any of those things because something might scare him or he might slip and fall …

Ich führ Dich – NEU FaceBook Seite

Für alle die sich für meine Blindenführhunde interessieren und Bilder auf FaceBook sehen wollt, habe ich eine neue FaceBook Seite gemacht! For everyone who wants to see pictures of my guide dogs and their every day training, like my new page! Specifically for my guide dogs and, although it’s written in german, will have cute pictures…   HERE  is a …